I believe I was mad at the page for being empty when I drew this. Ironically, this sort of manic drawing is what would lead me to unlocking the flow of my little bird character.

This was originally supposed to be the ending of the film, with the ultimate answer to the Bird's problems being just to fly away. Something I was deeply unsatisfied with and didn't last. However 3/5 of these shot were recycled in the final cut.

The skeleton scene in "I'm a Bird" was actually a late add, and originated as a doodle on a napkin while I was working at Buffalo Wild Wings. I liked the visual so much I decided to include it in the film. P.S. I laugh about the right femur every time I see it.

When I was first planning the film, there was supposed to be a Cat that the Bird was friends with. I enjoy the idea that predator and prey would actually make good friends if given the opportunity.

The Skeleton went through a couple variations before I settled on his final look. In "The Dead don't Tire" I thought I was getting too close to "Grim" from Billy and Mandy. So in his final iteration (right) I made him more perky and youthful feeling, which paired nicely with the voice actor.

This was probably the hardest decision I had to make throughout the process, I really liked all the birds. I ultimately chose the green one because it was the only bird that came completely from my imagination and thus gave me more freedom with the movements.